Preston Trading Post

America's #1 Wood Stove Store. Award winning Furniture Store, too!

One of the world's largest wood stove dealers featuring Jotul, Hearthstone, Quadrafire, and more... est. 1974

Save time by getting your measurements together before a store visit.  Yes, it's a drag!  But so is showing up without measurements!  If you are unsure, make a note of what you did measure.  Also, a smartphone pic will sometimes be informative. Knowing as much as you can will benefit your selection of an appliance and feasibility of an installation.


Also, it's very important to know:  is the chimney an "exterior chimney" - i.e. exposed to the outdoors on one or more sides below the roofline. Or is it an interior chimney - encased within the house's "envelope".  Do you know the size of the flue tile in the chimney? __________"x__________". Has there been a stove installed in it before?  Y / N
